Zoology            31 March 2008    Winslow

Phylum Echinodermata        Hickman et al. Ch. 22 pp 472-491


Deuterostomes--echinoderms, hemichordates, chordates

Phylum Echinodermata

    Deuterostome, enterocoelous, radial indeterminate cleavage

    Digestive system usually complete, extensive coelom

    Dermal endoskeleton of spiny plates & ossicles (Ca) or spicules (Ca)

    Water vascular system in coelomic compartment

        Podia (tube feet), madreporite

    Locomotion by podia, spines, or arms

    Hemal system reduced, surrounded by coelomic compartment

    Respiration by dermal branchiae, tube feet, or other means

    Pedicellariae with pincers, ligaments, no excretory organs

    Ambulacra, no head, circumoral ring & radial nerves

    Usually separate sexes, external fertilization

    Free-swimming, bilateral larvae, autotomy & regeneration

    Metamorphosis to secondary radial pentamerous symmetry

    Class Asteroidea--sea stars

        Intertidal, reef, bottoms, many predatory

        Arms & central disk, mouth, anus, oral & aboral aspects

        Ambulacral grooves & tube feet (podia), suckers, protective spines

        Water vascular system

            Madreporite, ring canal, radial & lateral canals, ampullae

            Locomotion (muscles in podia & hydrostatic pressure)

                Catch collagen allows movement when liquid

        Feeding & digestive system

                Mouth, cardiac & pyloric stomachs

                Digestive ceca, intestine, anus

                Pulls shells of bivalves apart, everts stomach into shell

        Respiration & excretion of N by papulae (dermal branchiae) & podia

        3 nerve rings connected by nerve net, radial nerves, ocelli

        Usually dioecious, gonads in each arm, external fertilization

        Regeneration & autotomy, asexual fission

        Free-swimming bilateral larvae (bipinnaria & brachiolaria)

        Temporary stalk for metamorphosis into adult

    Class Ophiuroidea--brittle stars

        Largest group of echinoderms, benthic

        5 slender arms

    Class Echinoidea--sea urchins & sand dollars

        Long spines, Aristotle's lantern w/ teeth for chewing, pluteus larva

    Class Holothuroidea--sea cucumbers

        Lengthened along oral/aboral axis, secondarily bilateral

    Class Crinoidea--sea lilies

        Extant species benthic, fossils where oceans once were

        Often sessile, stalk & calyx