Donald Edward Winslow, Ph.D.

Blog        CV (pdf) Publications       Teaching philosophy
Research interests and goals      Presentation on old-growth forest policy (.pptx)

Hi! I'm Donald Winslow. I teach biology and environmental science at the Indiana Academy.
Courses at the Academy: Birdwatching      Assignment on interpreting journal articles
List of courses taught

Introductory Life Science at SGU (Spring 2014)

Environmental Studies at SGU (September/October 2011)

St. Gregory's University courses, Spring 2011

Deep Fork Audubon Society    

Karen's blog    A page from my chess playbook. Essay: Why public institutions need public software      Sample ballots for Precinct 630003

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Updated 15 October 2024.

Creative Commons License
This work by Donald Edward Winslow is licensed under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.