This morning I opened yesterday’s paper and was surprised to see sample ballots! Surprised because I didn’t know there was election tomorrow and also surprised because I have never seen sample ballots in the Shawnee News-Star before.

Saves me the trouble of scanning them and putting them online.

I was not able to locate the sample ballots on the News-Star’s website, so if you don’t have a print subscription you’ll need to walk downtown to your public library to see them. While you’re downtown, stop in the County Building and ask why the Pottawatomie County Election Board doesn’t have a website.

Probably because the voters won’t give them money for it.

One of the questions on tomorrow’s ballot does ask voters to fund information technology upgrades–the County wants to raise tariffs for improvements in the 911 emergency response system. Also, there are school board elections and several school districts have bond issues on the ballot.

If you’re not sure what school district you’re in, the city has a map here.

So don’t forgot to vote tomorrow, and, more importantly, figure out what or who it is that you’re voting for or against before you get to the polls!

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